It doesn’t need to face south! 10 of the biggest garden myths debunked | Gardens

South-facing gardens are best
In our warming climate, that blazing, south-facing garden may now seem less appealing than cooler, moisture-retaining shade. Woodland planting is lush and architectural, with many plants becoming drought-tolerant when established. Try Digitalis purpurea (foxglove) and Polypodium cambricum (creeping fern) alongside Eurybia divaricata (white wood aster), Brunnera macrophylla (siberian bugloss), Tiarella cordifolia (foam flower) and Viburnum tinus (French white shrub). Or for more colour, Geranium psilostemon (Armenian cranesbill) and Astrantia major ‘Ruby Star’.
Pampas grass is for swingers
Despite a rumour that it signifies a saucy household, it’s a total myth. It was likely linked to the plant’s popularity among the middle classes in the 1970s. So fill your garden with it, safe in the knowledge no one will come knocking (there are plenty of apps for that). Cortaderia richardii is an elegant species.

You can ignore cacti
Cacti can survive naturally for months without water, but ignore them at your peril. Like all plants, they need water in summer, and respond best with fertiliser diluted at half strength when they’re growing. What they hate is soggy compost. The other cactus killer is insufficient sunlight: when the label says direct sunlight, it means it.
Never water when the sun’s out
This comes from the principle that water evaporates when the sun is warmest, which is true. Many plants also wilt in hot sun as a defence mechanism, giving the impression that soil is dry when it might not be. It is better, then, to water in the morning or evening. But if you have no choice, water in the sun rather than not at all, but water deeply, so it percolates down to the roots.

Weeds are bad
Although some weeds can impact the growth of edible crops if they’re allowed to swamp them, they are just wild plants that really like your garden’s conditions. Many are beautiful, easy to grow and great for wildlife, such as Centaurea nigra (knapweed), Leucanthemum vulgare (ox-eye daisy) and Achillea millefolium (common yarrow). All have amazing drought resilience. Learn what these plants look like and you may spot seedlings in your garden, or you could collect a pinch. Alternatively, buy wildflower seeds or plug plants from a wild plant to scatter ( or
Lawns are low maintenance
Lawn grass is one of the highest-maintenance plants you can grow – nothing else needs cutting as often through spring and summer. Reduce your workload by letting it grow a bit longer with fewer cuts, and leave the weeds for insects. If you don’t use your lawn, replace it with a two-cut-a-year-meadow or low-maintenance ornamental planting.
Growing in pots is easier than the ground
Pots and containers can feel more manageable, particularly when it comes to controlling weeds, but they are more labour intensive. A lack of root space means regular fertilising, lots of watering and lugging compost for repotting. Plants in the ground have none of these problems. If weeding feels laborious, plant more densely to ensure there is no bare soil in which weeds can germinate (or see above).
Raised beds are essential for veg
Raised beds may look good but they’re rarely needed. The edges are an ideal home for slugs, while the raised soil level will dry out faster. Unless you need the height for mobility reasons or to raise plants from water-logged soil, go with beds at ground level.

Soapy water gets rid of aphids
While soapy water can suffocate aphids by blocking their openings for breathing, getting the mix right is difficult because all products vary – and the chemicals may affect plant growth. It’s better to rub aphids off with fingers, spray off with a hose or leave your houseplants outside for hoverflies and ladybirds to eat them.
Winter is a quiet time
Many plants might be taking a nap but unwanted perennial weeds still grow and need dealing with. Thin deciduous shrubs might need pruning or thinning to improve shape, as do apple and pear trees to encourage stronger fruiting. Order seeds and compost in winter to lighten the workload in busy spring.
Tell us about garden myths you’ve debunked in the comments below