Young country diary: We found a freezing goldfinch in the garden | Environment

It was morning in the valley, and I knew it had hailed outside and all the water was ice. The birds were frantically feeding on all the seeds; there’s a group of about 30 that come here often. When I went out to feed them, I saw there was a goldfinch that was frozen. It was a few minutes away from death!
My dad and I brought the bird inside. She wouldn’t open her mouth to drink. We started to worry, so we piled her up in warm blankets. There still was a chance she could stay alive, and just then she started to drink. She was really thirsty so we got her a dropper and some warm water, and I looked up how to save a freezing bird. I was scared that she might be in pain. She was so gentle, small and fragile.

We looked into her dainty black eyes. She wore a red mask and had a light brown and dark brown body. I wanted her to stay with us. She started stretching and trying her best to flutter her wings – all our hopes went to the sky.
She tried turning her neck, all my family gathered round her. I cuddled her up in my hands, and she suddenly fell into a deep slumber. All our excitement died down. Her soul was now free.
Summer, nine