Home Improvement

Successful roofing merchant partners with major brands to launch new home improvement store

Successful roofing merchant partners with major brands to launch new home improvement store

Published: 26 February 2023 – Neil Mead

Springboarding off the success of its roofing supplies site, online merchant Roofing Megastore has launched DIY Megastore, a brand new online home improvement store.

Successful roofing merchant partners with major brands to launch new home improvement store

Having developed leading expertise in roofing Gian-Carlo Grossi, founder of Roofing Megastore, looks to take his award-winning supportive retail model into the larger DIY space. He said: “With over 1.6 million annual users and in excess of 100,000 customers, we’ve established our supportive retail model meets the evolving needs of today’s customers. We are now striving to bring the same innovations and fresh approach to the larger home improvement market that has been largely dominated by archaic retailers for decades.”

DIY has been on a steady rise over the last few years with, no surprise, the compounding effect of both a global pandemic and cost of living crisis. With over 100,000 customers already served roofing goods the brand saw a unique opportunity to make home improvement a more accessible, easier choice for struggling homeowners.  

Currently, DIY Megastore boasts over 40,000 unique products covering everything from hanging shelves to complete kitchen refurbs. To earn the same trust from their customers as they have done in the past, each of these has been carefully procured from an ever-expanding list of some of the country’s leading manufacturers. Including DeWalt, KitchenKit, Towelrads and LPD Doors. 

Striving to keep things simple from day one (and to save DIYers time), they’ve developed a unique three-tier cost delivery system with free delivery on all orders above £300. What this means is, unlike many other online merchants, that no matter how much you order, the range of your goods or the number of different brands included there will only ever be a single delivery charge. 

Of course, not everything is new. DIY Megastore will still benefit from Roofing Megastores’ award-winning customer service. Every customer will still receive help when needed from an experienced back-of-house team responsible for managing over 100,000 previously shipped orders and regular queries from an average 1.6 million users per year. 

Also being transitioned over are their innovative on-page calculators across their core range of goods so that you can be confident while you shop. Whether that be ensuring you always have the right number of tiles, enough gravel to path your driveway or the ideal size can of paint for your walls.  

Phasing in soon will also be dedicated project builders. Helping homeowners re-design entire rooms with just a few clicks – perfect for new homeowners, landlords or those that have just moved in and are looking to make the space their own. 

More information on both Roofing Megastore & DIY Megastore can be found on their sites: www.diymegastore.co.uk and www.roofingmegastore.co.uk

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