Silver Hill School Dog Decoration Entry Wins Peoples Choice in Benefit for Whittier Birthplace

(More photographs below.)
Silver Hill School walked away with first prize Saturday with its “Not So Scary Scarecrow” dog decoration during Whittier Birthplace’s presentation of Haverhill artist Dale Rogers’ “Big Dog Show.”
Silver Hill School, sponsored by King Davis Properties, featured a patchwork of fabrics and was named people’s choice for “Best Dressed” Big Dog.
Rogers’ “American Dogs” were arranged on Bradford Common beginning Friday. There were free public events all day Saturday, including a Halloween pet costume pageant, a hot dog eating contest and people and dog food vendors such as Carbone’s Kitchen and Quinn’s Canine Café.
Second place went to the Haverhill Department of Public Works for its “spooky spider dog” and third place winner was Bradford Elementary School with its “hands of kindness design.”
Proceeds benefitted Whittier Birthplace, the Whittier family homestead from 1688-1836, last occupied by renowned abolitionist and poet John Greenleaf Whittier and his family.