5 Side-By Side Photos Showing The Reality Behind This DIY Home Designer’s Aesthetic Videos

Having a house or an apartment that feels like a home might be trickier to achieve than it seems. And even after doing everything that is possible to have that dream home where every corner is perfect and up to our standards, another problem arises – being able to live in there and keep that perfect tidiness. This is primarily challenging if you aren’t living alone and have kids. And scrolling through pictures and videos that other people love to share revealing their beautiful and tidy homes doesn’t make us feel better, does it? This is why TikTok user @dwellaware decided to share a video that has now become viral with almost 140k views revealing how her seemingly gorgeous home looks in reality, titling her video “Shame release,” shifting between TikTok-ready pictures and the reality.
More Info: TikTok
TikTok user decided to reveal how her aesthetic household looks in reality
Image credits: dwellaware
Amanda Walker is a DIY home designer and a blog writer. She started Dwell Aware in 2020, after being interested in home design for years. Now the mother of two shares her passion for interior design by sharing her knowledge and experience with others through social media. Besides uploading useful videos on how to spruce up your home by yourself and save money on expensive renovations, the woman also shared a lighthearted and relatable video of her beautiful home in a not-so-perfect state, implying that it’s normal to have your home upside down sometimes.
The DIY home designer wasn’t afraid to reveal the reality behind the turned-off camera, going viral with 140k views
Image credits: @dwellaware
Image credits: @dwellaware
Why is it important to talk about things like a mess captured and shared on social media? Having in mind how some people are prone to seeing others living a lavish lifestyle, looking their best, seizing their every day, and not forgetting to share all of this on their social media, the same rules apply when it comes to their homes. Seeing someone’s pillows fluffed and arranged perfectly on a sofa that is probably worth thousands, having white carpets and designer-made tables that are suited for no more than two fancy magazines, makes people think that they don’t do enough to deserve that kind of home.
Despite the woman’s inspiring home improvement videos, this one was created to remind us of the reality in which we all live
Image credits: @dwellaware
Image credits: @dwellaware
This is why videos that show “expectations vs. reality” bring us to our reality and remind us that no one actually lives like that, and this is what a house where people spend most of their time looks like. What we also often forget or don’t want to even admit is that perhaps we don’t even want that kind of aesthetic. What is important in this is what makes a house or an apartment a home that makes you want to come back there and feel safe and at ease.
Very often we get so caught up in the lives presented on social media that we forget that this not how usually people live
Image credits: @dwellaware
Amanda Walker, the creator of Dwell Aware, is passionate about DIY home design
Image credits: dwellaware
What are some easy tips and tricks that will help you to upgrade your home and make you want to rush back there after a long and hard day? According to Ideal Home, UK’s home decorating magazine running since 1920, there are a few easy ways to subtly change your home environment. First of all, it’s helpful to see what kind of tones prevail in your home and add some earthy and calming colors as well as “organic and raw materials”, the best of them being wood or rattan. Making some changes to your home doesn’t mean that now you have to tear off your wallpaper or make other drastic changes; what helps to create a cozy vibe is some paintings, a few greens, and perhaps some candles. Most people struggle with space and comfortable storing, so in this case, it’s suggested to use boxes and baskets that you can style or switch around if needed.
Do you have some smart and useful tips? Don’t forget to share them in the comments down below!
You can watch the full video down below!
@dwellaware Shame release 🙂 ♥️ #tiktokvsreality #reality #normalizethemess #shameless #messytiktok #diyersoftiktok ♬ original sound – Megan Kelly
A lot of users online found this TikTok funny and truthful, reminding them of their own everyday mess, which is totally normal
People online enjoyed seeing a glimpse of what they deal with on a daily basis, trying to keep up with a tidy home
Image credits: @dwellaware