Decoration Living Room

Artist talks of pottery, Christmas decor

Artist talks of pottery, Christmas decor

Because the religious aspect of Christmas is most important to Diane (Dee) Evans, the small nativity set she’s had since she was a child is placed in a special place at her Oak Creek condo for the holiday.

She loves the other nine nativity sets she’s collected too, so they’re set out as well.

She also cherishes her collections of nutcrackers, antique glass Christmas ornaments, and the Christmas stockings and pieces of pottery she’s made over the years because they remind her of happy times spent with family members.

 “For me Christmas is a family time of year, and I love spending time with my family,” she said.

Diane Evans poses inside her Oak Creek home on Nov. 16. She made all the stockings by hand.

Evans and her husband, Dave Evans, have two sons, five grandchildren, one daughter-in-law and one significant other. She is retired and worked in public broadcasting. Her husband is also retired and worked at Allen Bradley/Rockwell.

Because Christmas is a special time of year for her, she fills her living room, dining room and kitchen with her pieces, and adds some to her staircase and patio.

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